Presentation Skills Training - International Presentation Academy

Certain colors and combinations of colors can have special significance in different cultures. A white bridal gown is the symbol of purity in the West, while in India it’s the color red. Green is associated with Islam in Saudi Arabia, money in the United States, and a symbol that a man’s wife is cheating on him when worn as a green hat in China. The Egyptians associate yellow with mourning; the Thais connect that emotion to purple. And the list could go on. An important consideration to look at when discussing cultural color associations, however, is the meaning objects and context give to them. On a personal level, if you ask someone to name their favourite color, they usually respond with blue or green or whatever. But when asked if they would want that color to be the color of their teeth or bathtub, they usually decline. It turns out that their favourite color is fine as long as it is restricted to a very narrow list of things or left as an abstract concept. Likewise, many cultu...