Why Being A Confident Speaker May Not Be Enough
When giving a presentation in front of an audience do you worry if you are able to inspire confidence in the audience? After all, it is often said that if the speaker is not confident, the audience won’t believe the “content” of what’s being presented. This sounds logical; it rings true. But for the most part, audiences are rarely convinced by the confidence a speaker gives off. The average audience is just not that easily impressed. Most audiences can easily distinguish between the veracity of what a speaker presents and how that speaker presents it. In fact, it’s not confidence from a speaker audiences are really looking for, but rather, trust. They want to know if they can trust the person in front of them. Indeed, the confidence many novice presenters think they need to project often has the opposite effect, especially if it’s too much. It can come across as inauthentic, as fake. This ends up creating a wall between the speaker and listener; it impedes trust. Trust comes ...