Storytelling Coaching – Munich, Germany

Storytelling Coaching – Munich, Germany is a concept created by International Presentation Academy. to work with traditional storytelling in Coaching Practice. It is a winning combination that is very powerful in business and personal life to motivate, inspire and achieve outstanding results. We were talking about the change of the story as it moves from composed structure to the oral story. What happens when we recount to the story that we have quite recently perused? Or on the other hand that somebody has recently told us? How does the story change? A piece of the conversation helped me to remember that game we used to play as children 'Chinese murmurs' - where somebody would murmur a message to another person and it would be passed down the line. The final product was a totally mutilated and as a rule extremely interesting message. At the point when I recount a story, I recount my story. Regardless of whether I'm recounting the acco...